Thursday, June 5, 2014

THINGS TO-POINT POINT cupping and cupping

THINGS TO-POINT POINT cupping and cupping
1. Ibn Abbas RA, said: "The Prophet berobat with hijamah when he was
ihram. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
2. Anas bin Malik RA, he talked: "The Messenger of when his heart
pronounced because of the pain he felt in his head. "(Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, work
al-A'zhami (IV/187))
Cupping Creative Training Short by Drs. Kasmui, M.Si - 14
3. Anas RA said, "The Messenger of heart when he pronounced in
dorsally his leg because the pain there is to it. "(Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah,
of al-A'zhami (IV/187))
4. Ibn Abbas RA, said: "The Prophet berobat with hijamah when he was
fasting. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
5. Abdullah be pleased with him, telling him: "Prophet Muhammad CUPPING in the middle
His head is on pilgrimage center because he feels dizzy. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
6. Ibn Umar RA, he talked: "The Messenger of the head and
Umm Mughits call. "(Kitab al-Fawaaid, assessed as hasan by al-Albanian)
7. From one, he recalled, "the Prophet said: 'No fast invalidated the
vomiting or dreamers (wet) and not even the CUPPING '. "(Narrated by Abu
Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, sanad as hasan by al-Albanian)
8. Jabir RA, he talked: "Verily the Prophet fell from his horse and his
trees, until his leg was broken. Waki 'RA said: "The Prophet SAW
CUPPING in part on a broken leg. "(Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah, al-Albanian paper)
9. Jabir RA: "The Messenger of his legs due to tripping / sprains." (Sahih Ibn
10. Anas bin Malik RA, "The Messenger of the second jugular vein (venous
jugularis / jugular vein) and dorsal top. "(Narrated by Abu Dawus, classed as saheeh by al-
11. Kabsyah Abu al-'Anmari RA: "The Prophet never dibekam the center of the head
and between his shoulders. And He said: 'Whoever shed this blood, then
will not harm him to paint something with something '. "(Saheeh Sunan Abu
Dawood (no. 3268), see also the book Jaami'ul Ushuul (VII/541))
12. Termed by Abu Nu'aim in ath-Thibbun book Nabawi, a hadith marfu ':
"You should CUPPING in jauzatil qamahduwah, because surely it can
heal from 5 disease. "He mentions them is leprosy.

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