Thursday, June 5, 2014


1. Cupping is not advisable to:
a) People with diabetes (diabetes) or bleeding, unless the interpreter bruise really
b) Patients who are physically very weak
c) Patients with skin infections are evenly
d) Parents, if they do not really need it, because of their physical weakness
e) Children with dehydration (lack of fluids) (wet cupping)
f) Patients with blood cancers
g) Patients who experience frequent miscarriages
h) Patients with psychosis and emotional instability
i) Patients with Hepatitis A and B when it is in severe conditions. But when conditions are
not severe or the disease is a chronic disease, then why not for
treated with cupping
j) People with jaundice due to hepatitis
k) Patients on dialysis
l) Patients who experience jantng valve abnormalities, except under the supervision of a physician and
people really expert bruise
m) Patients with cold, while the very high body temperature or flu and penderta
semisalnya, except after he no longer felt cold
n) Pregnant women in the first 3 months
o) To the person who possessed, exposed magic, witchcraft, and so on, except for interpreters
bruise that has been able to deal with cases of this kind.
p) At the first time doing it, but after the preparation
mental for him. It's best he should see other people who berbekam in
before him. In addition, he needs to hear about the virtues and benefits
q) The patient is still taking medication facilitating blood, except with extreme caution.
Similarly, the people who were exhausted, so he rested
r) heart disease patients, should not be performed on patients who use
auxiliary equipment to regulate the heartbeat.
s) For people who are new to donate blood but after a few days passed,
depending on the condition of his health. Similarly, the vertigo sufferers, until the state
her relax.
t) Users of stimulants is not recommended for dibekam, except after
leave. Patients fear also should wait until conditions
mental calm.
2. Principle these should be avoided immediately after a bath pembekaman
3. Principle these should be avoided after the patient experienced vomiting pembekaman
4. Advisable not to eat immediately after berbekam, but should not drink honey or drink
that restore fitness
5. Fluid In patients with disorders of the knee, in a glass pembekaman not to bruise
mounted on the sore area, but around it.
6. Varicose veins that occur in the calf, then pembekaman done on either side of varicose veins carefully
Cupping Training Materials Brief by Drs. Kasmui, M.Si - 18
7. Pembekaman to patients suffering from liver disease (liver) should be done very
8. Patients with hemorrhagic disease or diabetes (diabetes) if done pembekaman, then
with no incision, but with a light prick with a needle acupuncture
9. For people with low blood pressure lower back area ought not
dibekam. Pembekaman should also be done one by one, do not do
pembekaman simultaneously in two or more places at the same
10. For patients with anemia, pembekaman performed one after the other, according to the readiness condition
body. If the patient has fainted, then cupping glass should be immediately removed and the patient
given a drink containing sugar (sweet water).
11. Never did bruise except after asking a patient, whether heavy blood flow,
whether he was suffering from diabetes, liver diseases (hepatitis), cancer, torn tendons, and
there is fluid in his knee.
12. Cupping against women should be done by other women or men who became
13. Cupping should not be performed on a muscle knot, but it can be done with a suction cup,
without incision (dry cupping)
14. For parents and children, just do a light vacuuming
15. Not recommended doing a bruise in a state of very satisfied or very hungry
16. Advisable warm bath and do massage after berbekam
17. Affirmed in patients that day before and after cupping unrelated entities
(Intercourse) with his wife to avoid weak body.
18. If the patient fainted because of the bruise, should be laid out and smeared black cumin oil
(Seed) on the back of her neck and slowly dipijati until conscious. Interpreters do not bruise
need to worry, because it is unusual terjadikarena physical condition of patients who were less fit. Interpreters
Cupping should be reassuring to patients when they are conscious and able to continue another bruise
time when the patient's condition is normal.
19. Can also for patients who faint should be laid out on a floor that is not cool
the supine position, and then lift the leg as high as possible or face down and lift
foot and bend repeatedly.

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