Thursday, June 5, 2014

HOW Cupping

1. Prepares sized glasses which were installed device pemantiknya, in sterile conditions
previously soaked in alcohol can then be dried and cleaned with
tissue / cotton.
2. Clean the area akhda 'with cotton / linen Kassa has given Betadine. Auditor cupping and
in patients after performing ablution with wudlu. Auditor cupping can read / pray (sir
or Jahr) by reading ruqyah for a sick person who exemplified the Prophet Muhammad. and remind
patients to always dhikr with minimal reading: "huwa Allahu asysyifa" or "Allahu
Huwasysyafi '"(Allah Cures), during the process of bloodletting that yaqin
that only God Almighty. that can cure the disease. Cupping interpreter must also be
Dhikr read this.
3. Place the cupping in the area akhda 'and say Basmalahs (with sir or Jahr)
4. Kokang adequately 2-3 times, not too strong or weak, then scrape cupping glasses to
whole body dorsally, without opportunity penyedotnya. If too weak sedotannya
then cupping glasses will last longer adequate liposuction. This is called "cupping Surf", for
get the flexibility of the skin and flesh before dry cupping, and give effect
the patient comfortable.
5. Having finished skating cupping, massage-pijatlah district will dibekam, like massage
reflection. This massage will give you the flexibility of skin and flesh, and also provides a sense of
6. Put another tool in the area akhda cupping 'and say Basmalahs (with sir or Jahr)
7. Kokang or liposuction adequately 8-10 times until the glass is firmly attached to the district
akhda ', then wait 5-7 minutes.
8. Open the top cover glass so that air can enter, so simple cupping glasses
9. Take the razor blade / knife / needle / pen Lancet ago sayatkan / tusukkan to akhda district firmly (do not
too deep and many cutlet) and the incision should be unidirectional dematom skin (do not
contrary could disappear as neurons and blood vessels)
Cupping Creative Training Short by Drs. Kasmui, M.Si - 19
10. Take a glass and pemantiknya, navigate to the place again, and we are adding enough cock
Basmalahs say. Then wait until the blood stain (broken) out 5-7 minutes. Glass
from the blood-filled look dirty due to air pressure in the glass. Note
right for diabetics that cupping time not too long to avoid
terkelupasnya skin can cause lesions.
11. Take a tissue and place it under the glass with his left hand, then slowly open the air
the top of the glass and immediately open, and pressed that point in all the blood into a glass
Cupping his right hand. Hold a tissue with blood residue left hand reaches out and
clean throughout the district akhda 'is to clean with a tissue.
12. Clean cupping glasses filled with dirty blood with a tissue. More severe disease
someone, the more blood that is dark red in the glass. Clean the glass until
Clear back.
13. Perform suctions process at least 2 times a maximum of 5 times. Once done,
cupping glasses placed in the cup to be cleaned.
14. Closing the wound incision / puncture to clean up the blood with Betadine, then Apply
Black Seed oil / olive / al-qisthul hindi, then cover with cotton / tissue so that the oil is not
on clothing and chin.
15. The Direction of use on oil, God willing, will be closed incision wound back / normal
as before.

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