Thursday, June 5, 2014


1. At the top of the head (ummu mughits), how to shave the hair on the part
will dibekam. Cupping on the head is very effective for the treatment of migraine penakit, vertigo, headache
chronic, high blood pressure, stroke, like drowsiness, toothache, sore eyes, circulation
blood, improved immune system, and others.
2. Around the jugular vein (al akhda'iin), the point is to treat diseases such as: headache,
face, ears, eyes, polyps (nose) and throat, tongue incisors, blood cancer,
blood circulation.
3. Below the head (An Naqrah), about four fingers below (bottom of the skull),
beneficial cure sore eyes (in children), tumors of the ear, heavy head,
spots on the face, acne.
4. Region between the two shoulders (al kaahil), is the most central point to overcome
kinds of diseases.
5. Areas around left and right shoulders (Naa 'is), which is the meat tender shoulders tense
when feeling scared. Cupping at this point can bermanfaaat to neutralize the toxicity and
liver disease.
6. Region back (under the shoulder blade), cupping in this area has a lot of perks
and kahsiatnya.
7. Region lower back and tail bone sore to illness / pain in the waist and
8. Lists feet (iltiwa '- below the ankle) for pain in foot disease, gout,
stiff and sore.
9. In places the perceived pain.
More details, explained as follows:
a) located around the muscles (jugular vein) right and left, around the internal jugular vein and in
sternocleidomastoideus surrounding muscles.
b) It is the center of activity and propagation of the small and large intestine.
c) Participate in the treatment of goiter, afonia, stiff neck / throat, sore throat, flu, cheek
swelling, tinnitus, prevent headaches, facial pain, toothache, earache, nose, sore
a) Located at the bottom of the inner ankle (the medial malleolus), between the medial malleolus
the heel bone (calcaneus)
b) It is a spreading center kidney
Cupping Training Materials Brief by Drs. Kasmui, M.Si - 20
c) Participate in the treatment of tinnitus, hemoptysis, menstrual disorders, insomnia, premature ejaculation, acid
veins, kidneys, bronkietasis, back pain, urinary disorders etc..
3. AL Kahil
a) located around the back of the neck bone spurs (processus spinosus vertebrae VII), between
shoulder (acromion) right and left, as high as the shoulder.
b) It is a meeting point and propagation organs gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, colon
large, bladder and tripemanas.
c) Participate in the treatment of neck pain, fever, epilepsy, cough, flu, asthma, stiff backs etc..
d) Anas bin Malik said: "Prophet Muhammad. ever dibekam in al akhda'ain and al Kahil" (Narrated by
At Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Hakim and Ahmad).
4. Hammah ('Alaa Ro'sun)
a) It is the topmost point of the head, located on the fontanel bone (osparetale) front,
which is situated at the meeting point between the hairline to the back of the hairline
the front.
b) Participate in the treatment of headache, dizziness, vertigo, mania, pengkihatan disorders,
eliminate the influence of magic, stroke etc..
a) Located at the meeting point of the front and back of the skull, which is between the fontanel bone
(Os parietale) and brow bone (os frontale).
b) In children, when pembekaman should not be bled, because generally
The meeting between the two bones have not completely closed.
c) Participate in the treatment of epilepsy, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, rhinorrhea,
seizures etc..
Both shoulders. Berfaidah to treat diseases in the shoulders and neck disease. (The Prophet SAW
perform cupping on both shoulders when fed mutton sleeves dibubuhu
toxins by yorang Jewish.
Useful for sore pain, lower back pain (From Jabir RA, that the Prophet Muhammad had
do bruise on his hip as he suffered pegal-pegal/capek disease (Narrated by An-
Nasai, Ibn Majah).
a) Located at the back of the skull around the bony prominence
b) The part where someone kalu qamahduah sleep on her back then was the head of the
stuck in the ground.
c) Participate in the treatment of headaches behind, dizziness, deafness, stiff tongue, schizophrenia,
epilepsy, stiff neck, dizziness, vertigo, etc..
9. Temples and chin
Useful for treating headache / dizziness in the head, treat toothache and pain in the
face, treat sore throat / cough. (From Ibn Abbas said, the Prophet Muhammad had
perform cupping as much as 3 times on both temples.
Useful for removing warts or ulcers that grow in the thighs, calves, as well as bone
dry. Darh menstruation and stop the itching of the testicles (scrotum
men) and uric acid.
Useful for curing boils, scabies / mange and skin fungus that is in the thighs, heal
frequent foot pain, treat hemorrhoids, treat disease swollen legs (elephantiasis),
relieve itching on the back.
Cupping Training Materials Brief by Drs. Kasmui, M.Si - 21
Located at the back of the leg below the knee indentations. Useful to eliminate fatigue
on the legs.
a) Located in the skull at the top slightly to the rear. Precisely in the bones of the crown, in
2/3 the front.
b) If the head and hairline hairline to the back of the front section is divided into
12 section, then the umu mugits located at 7 part of the boundary line back hair and 5
part of the line of the front hairline.
c) Be careful when pembekaman head, close to the center because of sensory and motor, which
causing paralysis of the organs and organs.

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